Monday, February 21, 2011

Literature Blog #3

So, I'm a little overwhelmed at this point in the literature content block. There are so many terms to know, so many theories and strategies to remember and use. I just hope once I get into the classroom, it will all come back to my remembrance. I really never realized there was so much that went into teaching literature. When you were in elementary school, you don't realize what all your teacher had to take into account when he/she chose different activities to go along with different stories or books. I remember doing worksheet after worksheet in some reading classes, and then doing really fun and interesting things in other reading classes, too. One of the coolest things I remember doing was in my freshman English class. We were reading Romeo and Juliet at the time, and our teacher told us to take one scene from the play, form a group, and rewrite it as if it were from a different time and place. My group rewrote it to be in the ghetto. It was so funny, but we were learning all at the same time. We were really having to dissect what the meaning of each line meant. I hope I can incorporate that kind of creativity and and excitement into my classroom while still promoting learning. All of things we are learning are very interesting and have totally given me a different perspective on teaching literature. But on the other hand, it's made me a bit more nervous about it, too. I guess I will become more comfortable with all of this once I get into our practicum so I can see these things implemented in a real classroom.


  1. Jamie,

    You have no reason to be overwhelmed! You are great in this subject, in my opinion. You are right, though. We did not think about how much our teachers had to go through when teaching reading. All I really rememeber is worksheet after worksheet, too. Teachers need to be more creative when it comes to teaching reading and writing. Hopefully, we will all be those teachers who make reading and writing more fun!

  2. Jaime, I understand the overwhelmed feeling. I think mainly it comes from everything being crammed into the last week before spring break. It doesn't help that we are worrying about Praxis tests ontop of everything else. But at least when we get through next week everything will hopefully slow down some. Of course, then we have the practicum... BLAH :P

    I really like the idea of re-writing romeo and juliet in a different time. You could do that type of re-write with any group. Even younger kids with more age appropriate material. Have them maybe write themselves into the story and tell it the way THEY would have... then note the differences. :)

  3. Overwhelmed, I think I am close to having panic attacks, especially when thinking about all the stuff I must do. Not only do I have a lot of thing for class, but also all three of the kids have science projects due next week. I do not have panic attacks, and I guess I should not joke about it. I am like Amanda, I hope things slow down a little after Spring break.
